Òir (pronounced oar)
is Gaelic for goldEN

On average, a household uses a bottle of shower gel every two weeks. That's 26 plastic bottles used every year, in just one house. Òir was created as an alternative. Our luxury soaps can replace shower gel, without compromise or plastic, and come in 100% recyclable packaging.


Pure essential oils

Our soaps are fragrances using only essential oils, each with their own benefits.

Oils and butters

The base of all our soaps is made of our custom blend of natural oils and butters that keep your skin beautifully moisturised after every use. And we never use palm oil in any of our products.

Natural colourants

We use clays and charcoals to colour our soaps, which have added caring properties for your skin.


All our soaps have a little touch of gold, boosting that luxury washing experience.